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Life, the Universe & Hot Dogs

Join the Movement!


It’s easy.
Come to a "Life, the Universe & Hot dogs" talk at either the original Detroit Ave Happy Dog Bar
(4th Tues of every month except December),
or Happy Dog at the Euclid Tavern 
(2nd Weds of every month)
Or a special LtUH event (fmi FB).
Or Contact
the Institute for the Science of Origins
or the Happy Dog and ask for an ISO scientist to visit a bar in your area or other venue.
Or you can create your own 
"Life, the Universe & Hot dogs" event integrating people from your own community. The ISO is happy to serve as a resource for finding scientists in your area -anywhere in the world
call/text ISO: 440-478-5292
Call the Bar: 216-651-9474
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